Round 04

Most controversial songs

RankLC[RankLC <= 5] Submitter Title varSc
1 WillB Cherry Cola 7.00
2 MikeD You Are Invited 6.90
3 MattP Mike Tyson's Punch Out! 5.81
4 KatieB Running, Returning 5.48
5 KatieD Hibernation 5.33

Least controversial songs

round(rank(-songDat[order(-songDat$varSc), ][1:5, 10], ties = "min")) Submitter Title varSc
1 KatieB Everything Begins 0.226
2 KatieB Pleasure Songs 0.476
3 BradyB Remote Control 0.810
4 BradyB Mercury 0.952
5 PippaN To Destruction 0.988

Top 10 songs (by average adjusted score):

round(rank(-songDat[order(-songDat$aveScAdj), ][1:10, 9], ties = "min")) Submitter Title aveScAdj
1 KatieB Running, Returning 7.14
2 WillB The Opposite of Hallelujah 7.11
3 MattP No City Life 7.07
4 PippaN The Trapeze Swinger 6.71
5 WillB Cold Days From The Birdhouse 6.57
6 KatieB I Sing I Swim 6.36
7 MikeD Northern Sky 6.21
7 WillB Oh Mandy 6.21
9 EmilyR You! Me! Dancing! 6.14
9 KatieD This Year 6.14

Most similar tastes

1 EmilyR WillB 0.46
2 EmilyR MikeD 0.38
3 MikeD WillB 0.29
4 EmilyR KatieD 0.25
5 BradyB MattP 0.22
6 KatieD PippaN 0.21
7 KatieD MikeD 0.19
8 KatieB PippaN 0.18
9 KatieB KatieD 0.15
10 PippaN WillB 0.13

Most dissimilar tastes

1 MattP MikeD -0.55
2 EmilyR MattP -0.36
3 BradyB MikeD -0.29
4 MattP WillB -0.26
5 BradyB EmilyR -0.24
6 BradyB KatieD -0.23
7 MattP PippaN -0.23
8 KatieD MattP -0.2
9 MikeD PippaN -0.13
10 EmilyR PippaN -0.05

Hardest to please/Grouch award

rank(peepDat[order(peepDat$meanRatO), ][1:5, 5], ties = "min") Submitter meanRatO
1 MattP 5.26
2 PippaN 5.74
3 MikeD 5.94
4 BradyB 6.07
5 KatieB 6.14

Easiest to please/Pollyanna award

rank(-peepDat[order(-peepDat$meanRatO), ][1:5, 5], ties = "min") Submitter meanRatO
1 EmilyR 7.43
2 WillB 6.71
3 KatieD 6.23
4 KatieB 6.14
5 BradyB 6.07

Most polar rater/borderline personality disorder award

rank(-peepDat[order(-peepDat$rVar), ][1:5, 7], ties = "min") Submitter rVar
1 KatieB 4.36
2 PippaN 4.14
3 KatieD 3.77
4 MikeD 3.00
5 WillB 2.15

Most invariant rater/lazy indifferent deaf person award

rank(peepDat[order(peepDat$rVar), ][1:5, 7], ties = "min") Submitter rVar
1 MattP 1.49
2 BradyB 1.84
3 EmilyR 1.90
4 WillB 2.15
5 MikeD 3.00

Most representative taste/Casey Kasem award

rank(-peepDat[order(-peepDat$aveSim), ][1:5, 8 + nrPeep]) Submitter aveSim
1 KatieD 0.689
2 KatieB 0.674
3 PippaN 0.563
4 WillB 0.515
5 EmilyR 0.439

Most eccentric taste/precious snowflake award

rank(peepDat[order(peepDat$aveSim), ][1:5, 8 + nrPeep]) Submitter aveSim
1 MattP 0.144
2 BradyB 0.252
3 MikeD 0.384
4 EmilyR 0.439
5 WillB 0.515

Most obscure songs/High Fidelity award

rank(peepDat[order(peepDat$propK), ][1:5, 4], ties = "min") Submitter propK
1 KatieB 0.0571
1 MattP 0.0571
3 WillB 0.1429
4 BradyB 0.1714
4 KatieD 0.1714

Most knowledgeable/liar award

rank(-peepDat[order(-peepDat$propKO), ][1:5, 6], ties = "min") Submitter propKO
1 MattP 0.543
2 WillB 0.371
3 KatieD 0.171
4 EmilyR 0.143
4 KatieB 0.143

Overall finish (best adjusted average of top 3 songs)

round(rank(-peepDat[order(-peepDat$topSongsAveAdjSc), ][, 2], Submitter topSongsAveAdjSc
1 WillB 6.63
2 KatieB 6.45
3 MattP 6.07
4 PippaN 6.02
5 KatieD 5.90
6 BradyB 5.88
7 EmilyR 5.86
8 MikeD 5.40

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